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News Archive - Biological Sciences

SDSC’s Sherlock Cloud Announces Skylab

June 23, 2020

The Sherlock Division of SDSC has broadened its secure Cloud solutions portfolio to offer Skylab, an innovative customer-owned Cloud platform solution that provides a self-standing, compliant environment for secure workloads in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud.

Georgia Tech Engineers Simulate Solar Cell Work Using Supercomputers

June 22, 2020

Because of silicon’s relatively high cost, hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) have emerged as a lower-cost and highly efficient option for solar power, according to a study by Georgia Institute of Technology researchers.

SDSC Sherlock Cloud adds Google Cloud Platform to Extend its Multi-Cloud Service

June 16, 2020

SDSC's Sherlock Division has expanded its multi-Cloud solution, Sherlock Cloud, to include the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in addition to AWS and Microsoft Azure.

Biologist Sonya Neal Named 2020 Pew Scholar

June 15, 2020

The Pew Charitable Trusts today announced that Sonya Neal, an assistant professor in the University of California San Diego Division of Biological Sciences, has been selected to join the Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences.

Recovery of Sea Otter Populations Yields More Benefits than Costs

June 11, 2020

A new study offers perspectives on the ecological and economic impact of sea otters. Comparing regions with and without otters reveals contrasts in kelp forests, fish, urchins, carbon and tourism. The study’s results indicate the economic benefits of having otters present outweigh the costs.

New Biosensor Visualizes Stress in Living Plant Cells in Real Time

June 1, 2020

UCSanDiego scientists have developed a new biosensor that visualizes stress in living plant cells in real time. The new nanosensor allows unprecedented access to explore mechanisms related to drought.

Fighting COVID-19 with Knowledge Graphs

June 1, 2020

The National Science Foundation awards two SDSC researchers funding to organize COVID-19 information into a knowledge network that integrates health, pathogen, and environmental data to track cases across greater San Diego.

Supercomputing Drug Screening For Deadly Heart Arrhythmias

May 14, 2020

Using supercomputers, scientists have developed for the first time a way to screen drugs through their chemical structures for induced arrhythmias.

Researchers Turn Algae Leftovers into Renewable Products with Flare

May 11, 2020

Researchers takes waste products from algae-based omega-3 oil production and converts them into valuable and renewable polyurethane foams with all kinds of commercial applications—from flip-flops and running shoe soles, to mattresses and yoga mats.

Exercise Boosts Motor Skill Learning Via Changes in Brain’s Transmitters

May 4, 2020

Comparing the brains of mice that exercised with those that did not, UC San Diego researchers found that specific neurons switched their chemical signals, called neurotransmitters, following exercise, leading to improved learning for motor-skill acquisition.
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