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Improving Risk Estimates for Extreme Rain and Snow

Science & Environment

A new study led by scientists from UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography details an improved method for estimating the likelihood of extreme precipitation events in the western United States.

A black and white photo showing flooding in lower Mission Valley, San Diego County, February 1980.

A New Way to Observe Electrons in Motion

Science & Environment

Electrons are incredibly fast. Because of their ultrafast motions, directly observing their behavior has been challenging. Now researchers from UC San Diego’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry have suggested a new method to make visualizing electron motion a reality.

A New Way to Observe Electrons in Motion

Scientists Get a Step Closer to Predicting the Size of Future Earthquakes

Science & Environment

The size of very large earthquakes might be easier to predict than smaller quakes. A Scripps-led team found that a new model did a good job explaining the amount of slip due to the 2023 Turkey earthquakes. The model also predicts some quakes might have the potential to be bigger than thought.

Residents of the Turkish city of Kahramanmaraş clear rubble after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the city in 2023.

New Microactuator Driving System Could Give Microdrones a Jump-start

Technology & Engineering

An innovative circuit design could enable miniature devices, such as microdrones and other microrobotics, to be powered for longer periods of time while staying lightweight and compact.

Patrick Mercier and Zixiao Lin hold probes on a circuit board
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From exciting athletics programs and campus events, to our latest contributions to cutting-edge research—UC San Diego is a vibrant community of creators and innovators, making a positive impact both in San Diego and beyond.

Alumni Advice to Students Is on the Money

Student Life

More than 200 students gathered to benefit from the experiences, perspectives and wisdom of panelists and keynote speakers at the “Future of Finance” career conference, a two-day event hosted by the industry engagement program of the Department of Economics.

Craft Artists Rewrite Borderland Narratives in New Exhibit


The campus and community are invited to a double arts feature on March 1 with the opening celebration for Mandeville Art Gallery’s “Border Craft” exhibit and the Department of Visual Arts’ Graduate Open Studios event.

Program Accelerates Early-Career Faculty Research for Engineers and Computer Scientists

Technology & Engineering

Six teams from the University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering have been awarded funding through the School’s unique program designed to accelerate interdisciplinary research collaborations for early-career faculty.


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The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence

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Perspectives Lecture Series: March 2025

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2025 Kyoto Prize Symposium

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