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In their last round of Dispatches from the Field, three UC San Diego students reflect on their experiences traveling and studying abroad. All say they have a new-found appreciation of the United States—as well as enough memories to last them a lifetime.

Serena Chang

Looking Back on a Fun Internship

It’s good to be back. Surrounded by familiar faces, environments and situations, life is routine again. Reality creeps in, with its partner nostalgia, trailing memories like a bride in a flowing gown. It’s true, I missed home so much during my stay in Malaysia, but now that I have returned, I miss the people and food over there, dearly!


Serena's August Dispatch

Serena's July Dispatch

About Serena
Serena Chang is studying at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in the city of Penang as part of UC San Diego's PRIME program. Her research project aims to modify human glycan receptors and measure these effects in binding to the hemagglutinin protein of the influenza virus H1N1.

Ethan Uong

Seeing the World—and Home—in a New Way

—I was lucky enough to participate in the international research internship program called PRIME this summer in New Zealand. Upon receiving notification of my acceptance, I knew that I wanted to travel as much as I could after the program. Giving my budget at the time, I was only able to choose four or five countries and I chose Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Vietnam. In this dispatch I want to share with you some interesting facts and observations from my journey.


Ethan's August Dispatch

Ethan's July Dispatch

About Ethan
Ethan Uong is studying at the University of Auckland in New Zealand as part of UC San Diego's PRIME program. His work examines unreinforced masonry structures and their behavior during an earthquake.

Wendy Fong

Taking In China's Lively Landscapes for the Last Time

Finally home, I can hardly believe that I am not in China anymore. Not only is San Francisco weather too cold for me to wear shorts, but everyone also speaks a language that I understand. Moreover, I am not sitting in a lab until it closes trying to write my dispatch.


Wendy's August Dispatch

Wendy's July Dispatch

About Wendy
Wendy Fong is studying at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing as part of UC San Diego’s PRIME program. She is doing research on mutations that facilitate the cross-species transmission of influenza viruses.
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