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  • Judy Piercey

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  • Judy Piercey

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Celebrate the Holidays at Staff Association Pancake Breakfast

New, unwrapped toys will be collected for the UC San Diego Burn Unit, Infant Care Center, Bannister House and Mother, Child and Adolescent Care programs

Staff Recognition

Alonso Noble, past chair of the Staff Association (left); Chancellor Marye Anne Fox; and Dave Wargo, current chair of the Staff Association.

Pancakes, sausages and holiday fun will be served up Dec. 14 at the 37th annual Holiday Pancake Breakfast in Price Center West Ballrooms A&B from 6:30 to 9 a.m.  Presented by the UC San Diego Staff Association, the event will also feature a holiday artisan craft faire, photos with Santa and prize drawings. Attendees at the Pancake Breakfast are encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy that will be distributed to the UC San Diego Burn Unit, Infant Care Center, Bannister House and Mother, Child and Adolescent Care programs.

Our campus boasts over 19,000 staff members. More than 3,500 attended the free All Staff Picnic in August. The annual event is planned by the UC San Diego Staff Association and is supported by the Chancellor, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Vice Chancellors, and other sponsors.  The picnic is among the activities planned by the Staff Association for employees; others derived from the $6 dues per year include opportunities for career development.

The Staff Association “provides exciting opportunities beneficial to all UC San Diego employees,” said Dave Wargo, chair of the UC San Diego Staff Association. “We have a great year planned, and we want you to be part of it.”

Wargo believes so much in the power and mission of the organization that he is participating in the grueling Avalon Benefit 50 Mile Run on Catalina Island Jan. 14, and donating all pledge proceeds to the Staff Association Scholarship Fund. By doing this, he hopes to increase the amount of money available for scholarships. Those interested in helping the Association may sign the pledge sheet, and make checks payable to the UCSD Staff Association.   

Pancake breakfast tickets are $7.50 for staff association members and nonmembers, or $12 for a ticket and Staff Association membership.  For more information, visit  or call 858-534-5064.

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