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From Health to Fish to Clean Water – Public Events Spotlighting Data Science

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute Offers Multidisciplnary Programs

Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute at UC San Diego
HDSI public events spotlight data science


  • Lisa Petrillo

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  • Lisa Petrillo

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A new series of public events has been organized by the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute bringing leading-edge research into classrooms, research labs, industry and the community. Topics will range from improving human health to fish, and how applying more effective data techniques aids ocean ecology. The cross-discipline topics demonstrate the wide diversity of subjects benefitting from data science technology advances.

Conferences and symposiums include:

Human Health at Stake: Sensitive Data Access Workshop

Oct. 16-17, 2018: The Institute-sponsored workshop aims to build an effective means of providing health researchers access to vital research data, while also protecting sensitive and legally restricted medical information.

The invitation-only conference will gather experts from four leading research institutions on the UC San Diego campus. The objective is to create a workable pilot project for protected human research data access across the institutions of UCSD, UC San Francisco, University of Virginia and Yale University.

Clean Water Matters: CA Water Data Challenge Summit

Oct. 18, 2018: Data science played the central role in Gov. Brown’s efforts to improve access to enough clean water for Californians. This daylong event will be a culmination of the work of scores of people, business and organizations for a vital common cause.

Annually, up to 1 million Californians lack access to clean, safe drinking water. The Challenge teams and individuals worked on developing resources and tools to improve that access. The Summit and Awards Ceremony will be held both online through live streaming, as well as in person in Los Angeles.

Deep into data management: SoCalDB Daylong Workshop

Oct. 19, 2018: SoCalDB Day is a one-day workshop-style event for data management researchers and practitioners from academia and industry in Southern California to share research results and experiences on the UC San Diego campus.

This is first-ever edition of SoCalDB Day is modeled after successful events in other regions. It will bring together attendees from five UC campuses and University of Southern California, and leading industry experts including from Amazon, Oracle and Teradata. Among the topics: Autonomous “self driving” databases; sensor networks; bridging the gap from academic research to successful startups; and utilizing machine learning to improve database performance.

Ocean ecosystems: Symposium on Next Generation Emperical Dynamic Tools for Understanding and Predicting Fisheries and Ecosystems

Nov. 13-16, 2018: This three-day workshop will focus on managing data to build more accurate models to predict impacts on fisheries and ocean ecology. It is aimed to provide next generation tools to marine fisheries science, and is open to anyone interested in seeing how this data-management system can be used for better understanding mechanisms, for prediction, and for decision support.

The San Diego-based workshop is sponsored by Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-Southwest Fisheries. The workshop will be led by George Sugihara of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, and Stephan Munch of NOAA Southwest Fisheries.

Data across disciplines: 7th International Symposium on Data Assimilation (ISDA 2019)

Jan. 21–24, 2019: This event in Kobe, Japan, will focus on the cross-cutting issues shared in broad applications of data assimilation in disciplines from geoscience to physical and biological sciences.

The symposium aims to enhance discussions among researchers from cross-disciplinary backgrounds. Examples under discussion include: non-Gaussian and nonlinear data assimilation problems; Big Data Assimilation (BDA); high-performance computation (HPC); Uncertainty Quantification (UQ); advanced intelligence (AI) and machine learning; multi-scale and multi-component treatments; observational issues; and mathematical problems.

Data science in theory and action: Information Theory and Applications Workshop

Feb. 10-15, 2019: A workshop gathering researchers applying theory to diverse areas in science and engineering, with a data science component.

It is set for the Catamaran Resort near the UC San Diego campus. Deadlines are in January 2019 to submit academic papers, abstracts and posters.


Save the date August 2020: San Diego has been selected as the venue for the Association of Computing Machinery’s 2020 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference (KDD), one of the premier global meetings on artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science.

Rajesh Gupta, director of the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute at UC San Diego, will serve as general co-chair for the international meeting along with Yan Liu, director of the University of Southern California Machine Learning Center. The annual KDD conference gathers thousands of leading researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry.

Learn more at the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute Events website.

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